Save the date! March 14, 2023
Ocean State Signal Company
2023 Technical Training and Product Expo
MARCH 14, 2023 • 7am - 5pm
Gillette Stadium • Putnum Club • Patriot Place
Foxborough, Massachusetts
Sponsor Registration
Ocean State Signal is excited to have all our vendors attend our Product Expo displaying their products and interacting with our customers. We are expecting another strong turnout, past show’s have had 200+ attendees. If a vendor in interested in sponsoring or being a co-sponsor to any of the below please contact Lisa Rutherford for details.
lrutherford@oceanstatesignal.com • (401) 231-6780
Sponsorship Levels:
Platinum Sponsor - $2500.00
Gold Sponsor - $1200.00
Silver Sponsor - $800.00
Bronze Sponsor - $500.00
All vendors will have their names/logos’s shown on large screens and tv’s during the event when not in use for the show